That wonderful aide I mentioned in yesterday's post is still helping us. She asked Patrick to make a list of goal he would like to accomplish to become more independent. She's coming over to our house tonight to go over them with him and help him make a plan to accomplish them. Yesterday he wrote this:
Nichole's List of self motivation at home and downtown (maybe not)
1. I would like to pay restaurant bills.
2. I would also like to pay for movie tickets.
3. I would like to ride in city buses around downtown
4. I can find out how to get to Comicon
5. I need to find out how to get around museums for money.
Does this list be necessary?
Why not at home?
1. I need help to play hard games (e.g. Axis & Allies)
2. I would need to cook mexican food
3. Can I help myself to empty the trash on my own?
4. Do I have to load the washing machine and dryer?
5. Can you help me loading my clothes?
After he wrote Nichole's List... he read them out load to us. I reminded him that the goals were supposed to be new things, not things he already does. He can do and is already working on the top group. He immediately went to work on the Why not at home group.
We are a game family, Axis & Allies is played by his brother and Dad. He has played "on his Dad's team" with them. It's a very complicated war strategy game. Not one that he's likely to be playing without a team member. He likes mexican food, I guess he'd like to cook some. He empties the trash now. His Dad told him a few days ago that he could start doing it without being asked. He's started to fold some of his own clothes. But it looks like he'd like to learn how to do his laundry.
We'll see what list of goals they come to together.
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